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Friday, 8 November 2013

Day 6 R4Sk's Victor Harbour to McLaren Vale via South Australia!!! A day of climbing

Victor Harbour to McLaren Vale the most scenic way possible

Min Temperature 13c and the average temp difference to yesterday of 21c. Where the min yesterday was 28c and peaked at the rather warm temp of 41c!

Total Time 007:09:37, just a little time in the saddle today.

Total distance 173.2 kms

Maximum Speed 63 kph (Sturmy achieved only 58lph on the Scott!)

Total Gain 2462 metres (Apparently we had some hills to climb? 10 categorised climbs, and yes Mr Lucas does not like Hills anymore than when he started the day!).

Total calories spent 4133 (and with a healthy wrap from Maccas Aldinga, thanks to Gav & Nat, not much taken on board).

Heart rate of the now almost less than 19% body fat Rider a massive output today of 173 max with an average elevated to 145 bpm!

Heart rate of Fabio 'The most beautiful man on a bicycle', as he turned and smiled as he cycled past the Crash Bandicoot to take the KOM up Willunga Hill of 94 bpm! 

Average Speed 24.2 kph (Hard day for most with winds playing havoc and just a few climbs).

KOM : Currently Fabio 'the most beautiful man on a bicycle'
QOM : Currently Doctor Jules

Well, that was fun!!!

As Fabio, continued to smile on every possible climb, there was a number of hurt lockers opened, as CB, had devised a route that would test any weary legs in the group.
And with a day still to go which includes Mt Lofty, conserve, reserve and preserve was in order for the day.  Mr Lucas decided to open his locker at the 5 km mark when spinning at a 200 cadence with his 39/28 was just the ticket to elevate his heart rate over the lactic threshold and a dark place the day was looking like being.
With the Big Afrikaaaaan as the source of inspiration and help we all climbed over the first hill out of Victor Harbour and two major climbs still to come.
I had originally had the thought of staying with young baby face Mason and helping him with words of encouragement,  it wasn't long before my heavy breathing and walking pace speed was too much for baby face, as he pedalled away from me and into the abyss.
We made our way down towards Deep Creek Conservation park and we were now in the midst of a winters day, with visibility enough to ground Maverick on a working day, and being wet, cold and still climbing the day was looking grim.
On a number of occasions today, I would use the photo and card from a child that has been at the house, Logan Ruebeck, that had been given to me in Mt Gambier. (All riders received a different family message as help to get them through the week, and we have carried these with us along the ride, in the knowledge, that our pain and suffering on the ride is for only a short moment, and nothing compared to what these families have to go through).

We continued through to the wettest place in SA, Parawa, for our first replenishment from the support crew.

Sorry Time for bed, will complete the day after we complete the ride.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Day 5 R4SK's Murray Bridge to Victor Harbour

Sceptics of global warming were not found in the Peloton today!

Murray Bridge to Victor Harbour with two school visits, 20 min Lunch and 38 degrees and windy.

days like today, make you appreciate the good days on a bike that much more!


Total Time 04:48:16,

Total distance 132.7 kms

Maximum Speed 52.2 kph (only achieved on specialized S-Works for some reason?)

Total Gain 591 metres (sometimes known as mountainous conditions for Mr Lucas, albeit a rather flat stage).

Total calories spent 2590 (not enough to warrant the anticipated McFlurry showdown between a slobbering Giraffe and a Yedi Master!)

Heart rate of the now almost less than 20% body fat Rider a massive output today of 170 max with an average elevated to 144 bpm!

Heart rate of Fabio 'The most beautiful man on a bicycle', as we sat on the front of the Peleton and the smiling Fabio turned and laughed, "Ha, 94 bpm heart rate!Thank you for your words of wisdom Fabio 'You are indeed a most beautiful man!)

Average Speed 27.6 kph (with a few laps of the school yards and a tailwind for 20km's at the start of the day and 10 kms home, the stuff in the middle was just ordinary).

With a late start to the day and a lie in that nobody seemed to be able to partake in, (all but little Simba who was tightly cuddled in his Den, and still needed to be awoken by Mum Linda at 8am.

After Linda was relieved to hear that Stifler had indeed received his nickname through his uncanny resemblance to the Stifmeister, and not through a series of misadventures when he was a younger man! One Mother relieved or disappointed I could not tell??? After his performance with the bathing attire probably relieved?

Into the Murray Bridge Motel for a lovely cooked brekky and a briefing at 8.45am, to arrive at our first destination, the Murray Bridge Primary School.
The little puffer smurf had been up to no good, as the Man Child Doggie Coldbeck has been implicated in a violation subject to referring to the Rules (Velominati, Keeper of the cog) and the Jedi Master, Yoda. Violating the Cav Venge, by placing a little princess sticker on the seat stem, did not add to the aesthetic beauty of the S-Works Venge and was quickly removed by Mr Lucas!! Man child, Doogie, Puffer Smurf, and now Dave Warner (Named by Ronald McDonald House Chairman Dave Simmons. With absolutely no persuasion from any member of the team, he teed off on the little man during his speech, to rapturous applause) will now have to be very mindful of his toy bike to ensure no harm comes to it!

Many of us were looking to the trees above the Murray Bridge Motel to determine what the days riding would be like, and trying to gauge if the wind would be kind or not as we made our way down to the Murray Bridge Primary school to a cacophony of sound as we entered their gym, with over 500 kids!  The Giraffe found a new mate painted on the side of parked caravan, being Bobo the Giraffe, and was quite content to spend the rest of the afternoon in quiet contemplation with his new found interest.
It always amazes me how the kids react to the team arriving into their school and to see the faces of the riders and support team as they are cheered on like heroes.  One in particular stands out with the biggest grin on these it is not Fabio 'the most beautiful man on a bicycle', but the gleeful look on the face of Doogie, as he enters a room with 500 peoplein it that are amzingly slightly shorter than he is!
Big thanks to the Murray Bridge Primary school as they had raised an amazing $500 for the ride and presented us a cheque.  Thank Boys & Girls.
After much discussion was had once again with the school, it was decided that man child was infact a member of the Peleton and allowed to leave with us and not go back to class, we then made our way down the longest guard of honor as a gentle kiss was blown from the Big Afrikaaaan to his new giraffe friend, and again we headed off for what was to be not so pleasant a ride as the first 20 kms had led us to believe.
If you have never ridden a road bike in a large group before, then it is difficult to explain the euphoric feeling of freewheeling along a road uphill at 48kmh with a tail wind directly on your back, but this is exactly what many of us were experiencing as we literally blew out Murray Bridge.  I only say many, as those in the peloton that were not mounted on a specialized, were seen to be pedalling!
It could not have been an easier start to the day, that did not prepare us well for what we would endure for the next 100kms.
With the morning school visit completed at nearly 10am, and a second school visit to be reached by 2.30pm at Port Elliot, we did not too much time for luxuries and Lunch had been scaled back to only 20 minutes at the picturesque stop on Lake Alexandria at Milang.
A nature break at the end of the tailwind section, and the Jedi master began marshalling his x-wing pilots to accommodate their wingmen and women on the inside.
With Maverick and Blads now having an educational lesson on the cloud formation and weather patterns of the learned Pilot, and the temperature steadily rising on each riders Garmin (mine averaged at 38 c for the day! hot in anyone's language, even the fight hardened Stifler) the pace was kept constant by the 6 at the front and we rolled on to Milang with little incident, excepting the fact that whilst riding his bike in the peloton, Mick Dundee, must have caught a glimpse of the vanishing tail of his next wallet and shoes, as he decided to wander off into the bush to collect his next catch.  After a brief time in the jungle, Mick, still on his bike, re joined the peloton on the bitumen with nothing to show for his little escapade.  No harm came to any animals or riders during this slight mental fade from Mick.  Honourable mention for a muppet though, duly acknowledge at dinner.
Milang to Port Elliot heading back around the Lake and now into a cross headwind and some time on the front six was called up. (note: just momentarily the blogger was interrupted by a knock at the door of Diesel, Mick, Baby face Tony and Mr Lucas, only to answer the door to a now more than confused fastidious driver Glenn/Grant, as this apartment was clearly full, I sent him on his way to find his actual room.  The look of perplexity on his face as he too could not make his key work in our door!!)
Initially a role on the front with the grill like face of a an old T-bird, Fabio, was quite entertaining as he sang and whistled protecting me slightly from the wind coming over his shoulder.
We rolled after around 12.63 km and Doogie CB and Sturmy basically headed straight into the wind, and so it would go for the next 15km until Doogie and Tex rolled through and continued to turn into the wind at every opportunity.  Thanks Ultimate wing man Tex for sharing your snakes with me, regardless of where they had been kept.  Its gesture like this from the team throughout the tour that makes the unbearable sometimes a little more bearable.  Along with the support crew and Blads that had been filling bottles of water in the cars and Blads had been ferrying these up and down the line for those of us that were consuming copious amounts of fluid with no need for a nature break as the temperature soared. Top effort not so old Blads!!
Tex and Doogie continued to push on, although Doogie offered little protection for Sturmy behind him and Tex livid with the fact that the electronic gearing on his bike would not allow him in the large chainring...........why he was actually in the small chainring in the first place is still under some investigation from the keeper of the rules Blads!
As we approached the turn off to more favourable conditions with Doogie and Tex still on the front, a mechanical, or so we thought was called.  Rolling now at 20 kmh so that Big Jiz can make the necessary fix and Stifler can time trial the rider back to the peloton.  It now appears that the yellow jersey holder Snorty Merro, had somehow dropped her $3 non garmin cycle computer only to demand that the Stifler retrieve this most valuable possession.  Back on the pack and expensive equipment returned, and we soon rolled with the little Doogie and Tex having done an excellent job on the front.
Fabio, still looking beautiful, was now less than  chirpy on the bike, and having spent most of the 5 days of riding in the rolling six, was not so bubbly as before.  I asked if the infallible character of Fabio was feeling alright?  The answer was less than affirmative, and the front six agreed accordingly that the days heat and wind had all their feet aching to get out of their shoes.
We had some nice little rolling hills as we approached Goolwa and passed Currency Creek and the end was in sight.  Only that we then headed straight back along the coastline to Port Elliot and in single file as attempted to not make a nuisance of ourselves on the highway.
I counted down the k's and watched the clock as 2.30pm and our appointment with the school was closing.  Finally the Port Elliot Primary school and the most magnificent welcoming from our support crew, who had gone on to our accommodation in Victor Harbour at the McCracken Country club and raided all the rooms for their flannels and had set them in ice water for our arrival at the school.  Dead set legends! and the Riders quickly refreshed themselves from what was probably as hard a ride as the second stage this tour.  Thanks support crew, acting outside of the policy manual and just thinking for the riders. :-) :-)
Gavin and Nat Daniells, the local McDonald's Licensee from Victor Harbour had organised the school with the help of the Principal and teachers, with a fundraising ride to bike day and design a bike competition.  Another bike won from our friends at Bike Society (slightly reluctantly however, as the pink bike was not the colour of choice for the young man that had won!)
Ronald McDonald made an appearance at the Port Elliot Primary School also, and the kids enjoyed seeing a banana pulled from Mr Safety's ears and ensured that Ronald would not ride without his helmet in place and strapped on.  They are listening Mr Safety!
We lapped the Basketball courts and headed onto our destination at the Luxurious McCracken Country Club with a quick stop at Gavin and Nat's Maccas for some more Maccas goodies.
Thanks to Gav and Nat for organising everything and not least of all the Police escort from Port Elliot to Victor Maccas with Fire Engine protecting us from behind!  After a hard day in the saddle, this made the last few K's that much easier.
Only a bit of time, to do the essential washing and drying of kit and small mechanical changes before another community event at the McCracken club.

There was some feverish bidding on items for the charity amongst the Peloton, with Geoff narrowly picking up the Anna Meares signed jersey.  He did however get pipped at the post by Doctor Jules for the coffee machine..........with only moments to go on the silent auction and Geoff poised to win the espresso machine, Stifler reminded Mick (Geoff), that he was indeed in a round, and Stiflers red wine glass appeared empty.  Not wanting to offend or disappoint Stifler, Mick diligently made his way to the bar.  It was then that Doctor Jules swung into action and place her name on coffee machine as the silent auction closed before Mick had returned!! Well played Stifler and Doc.

Tomorrow sees a long and hard day in the saddle, so I will finish up with a thankyou to Gavin & Nat and the Victor Harbour community for their support on this ride and the money raised this evening.

Maillot Jaune - To the baby face Tony with a degree, who has manged in a very short period to not only go from paramedic to cyclist but also continue smile all along the way.  Great job Tony Mason.

Muppet - Anna fear disappear, (ATMgate?) as she managed to complain about the remote on Stacey's car not working, only to discover that the remote entry on works on the car that Stacey was actually driving!!!!

Victor Harbour to McClaren Vale tomorrow 175km's via some hills!! Yippeeeee

Good night all.

Day 4 and Stage 4 Meningie to Murray Bridge

Meningie to Murray Bridge (easy roll after double century of yesterday)

Total Time 5 hrs 00 mins & 19 secs,

Total distance 128.4 kms (Is that all? said Baby face Mason)

Maximum Speed 46.1 kph

Total Gain 492 metres (another day and another show of climbing supremacy from Mr Lucas again!).

Total calories spent 2292 (no lollies, except after the team time trial that Blads team had set out to conquer)

Heart rate of the now almost less than 30% body fat Rider a massive output today of 178 max with an average elevated to 139 bpm, this will sure to be doubled on day 6!

Heart rate of Pei Pay whilst massaging Fabio 'the most Beautiful man on a bicycle' 210 bpm (Sorry Pei, this is a complete fabrication, but funny all the same!)

Average Speed 25.7 kph (A slight cross/headwind along the highway to Tailem Bend, and plenty of breaks along the way, made for a nice relax on the bikes and a time to chat to fellow riders, although I was unsure how to interpret the rather boisterous Snort from Merro as we were about to board the first Ferry?)


Meningie to Murray Bridge via Raukkan school, the $50 Church, Two Ferries,  the Tailem Bend Pub for the running of the 2013 Melbourne Cup, the Tailem Bend Primary School and finally to our resting place at Murray Bridge Motel.

As the morning sun was still along way off from rising, weary heads were lifted from their slumbers, as we were to prepare for the first day of water crossings and school visits.
Careful consideration had been taken to ensure the Peloton arrived safely at the Tailem Bend Pub for the running of the 2013 Melbourne cup, where the smooth charm of Mick Dundee had not been lost on the 63 year old filly's that had had one to many schooners under their fascinators and had somehow remarkably mistaken Mick for Fabio 'the most beautiful man on a bicycle'!

After having been alarmingly woken by young Simba at 1 am in the morning, for reasons I am still unclear of, my attempts at reciprocating the gesture were more than feeble, as I am sure his mother Linda can attest to, that waking a 16 year old semi-alpha male from their nocturnal resting is easier said than done! alas, young Simba and his abhorrent nightwear were the last to packed onto the Truck.

We cruised on down in the wintery conditions to the other motel in Meningie and were delighted to feast on one of the best cooked breakfasts we had encountered on tour.  With yellow Jersey firmly entrenched in the truck, I looked across at what only could be described as a solemn and lonely face of the Afrikaaaan, with no one to accommodate.

The eagerly anticipated Time trial was only 13.5 kms away, and with only one team interested in winning it, it was sure to be a close race!  As the Afrikaaan, Merro, Mick, Fabio 'the most beautiful man on a bicycle', Diesel, Jack Sparrow (formally referenced as Button) and Blads, discussed team rolls and tactics, Team Cotter discussed the fasted method on and off Robert Redford's bus and Team Bade discussed who had signed the consent form forMan child Doogie to race in a Time trial, it was clearly evident the Afrikaaaan was soon to win something before the tour and his body were over!

The morning crisp air was only broken by the sound of Squeaky and his bike (Tex), as we looked forward to the days entertainment of the 20 km Team Time Trial being contested by one team, and our first school visit to Raukkan Primary school and followed by the Tailem Bend School visit.
Preparations were made and the gun went off for Team Cotter, (The start did however appear to be 2 kms past the designated start point for the sole purpose of ensuring CB's KOM on Strava would not be eclipsed for this segment) and the grouping of the previously crippled group of team Cotter, appeared strongly like they had also raided the rear of Stacey.............................sorry, the rear of Stacey's car, and discovered the secret that had unstuck Willy Voet and the Festina team in 1998.
After some test samples had been returned from Team 'Festina" Cotter and the excessive traces of Erythropoietin (EPO) were found, Team Cotter and their time were disqualified.
As Team Blads and the Afrikaaaan took off like a wild African Safari, with gazelles and giraffes limbs wailing in the wind, team Bade conscientiously talked the importance of teamwork and the goal of getting all across the line as a team as the priority next to safety.
Clearly this was not the case with the wild adventure safari rampaging down the road with the only intention was to blow everyone's legs as quickly as possible.
The training run and photographic shoot of team Bade complete, we meandered over the line, with the knowledge that it had been completed with the ethos that the exercise had intended.

The next 20 kms to the Raukkan primary school was peaceful barring the laboured breathing of team Blads and the incessant noise eminatining from Squeaky's bike.
As the peloton made its way around Lake Albert to the Southern tip, we entered the bussling town of Narrung for our first school visit for the tour at Raukkan. Home of Fabio's 'the beautiful man on a bicycle'  cousins, aunty's and nephew's and a few others.
The ritual talk from Mr Safety and Mr Lucas was well received by all, and the children were grateful that we had brought three children along ourselves to add to their class. (Harry, Doogie and Baby face mason).
The Bike Society prize was won by Cameron and some Macca packs handed out as we chatted and had morning tea with staff and kids.
In a brief and complete moment of madness, the yellow jersey holder (obviously trying to avoid scrutiny over a sample), managed to make his way into the schools female toilets, only discovering the errors of his ways upon exiting the toilet! Sorry Glenn, but the Muppet will be hard to top.

The Peloton gave a high five exit to the kids of Raukkan and made their way to the historical Raukkan church (featured on the Australian $50 note), for a team photo and $50 donation to the RMHC by Elbows unwittingly.

A short stroll to the first ferry ride, as some were disappointed that it was only a short trip over the water, and they were not to see the Stifler in any sort of distress.
We rolled onto Tailem Bend, with some more blustery unfavourable conditions were upon us, and the first chink in the iron clad armour of Maverick had been seen, with the meatball in sight, Mav was suffering, and the Tailem Bend turn off was a pleasing sign for Cougar.

The River Murray is many things to many people, but to 20 weary riders and their support crew, it is nothing but an oasis from the now Garmin rated 30 plus degrees, and the BP Roadhouse Rolls of Roast Beef, Ham and Chicken were of great relief as we settled in for an extended lunch before our next school visit.
There was plenty of time for reflection and contemplation as could be seen by the lonely figure of Diesel leaning up against  the river bank tree. What he was truly thinking no one will know but I have been told he was pencilling his new venture and fragrance Contador No 5.

Back up the Hill too the Tailem Bend Primary School and into their new Gym as the kids from bookweek filed in and made it extremely difficult to now find all our riders amongst the crowd.  We asked all the children to remain seated before we exited to enable us to find Harry, Doogie and the 30 year old with a degree baby face mason from the little people.
Another bike give away to Jessiah, who im not sure was entirely happy with the change over of bikes due to the colour? but was excited nonetheless with going home with a new bike from our friends and Stifler at Bike Society.  Lamington or Big Jiz had done a great job of putting these bikes together, and could be seen frantically rummaging through the back of the van this evening, in a vain attempt to locate the discarded training wheels from the school bikes, that he so desperately required on his own road bike to stay upright!!

After a minor detour to the Tailem Bend pub for the Melbourne Cup running and some more fundraising, we caught another ferry to ride into Murray Bridge off the highway.  Some undulating and rolling hills for us to make the last 30 kms of the day an easy ride to converse to each other as we revelled in the thought of the refreshing pool dip after massage and another team night.
A quick stop at the Murray Bridge Maccas for the obligatory McFlurry, and a challenge by the young Jedi to the wise old Blads with the cunning ability of Yoda, and not dissimilar in appearance in a McFlurry off................The young Jedi has much to learn me thinks!!

Blissfully unaware of his impending conversation with the hot bitumen outside the motel,  Big Jiz was in fine form as he quipped back to CB 'Mate you do your job and ill do mine' upon being questioned on a mechanical issue with CB's bike. After another full day of riding and having just unclipped from our bikes, raucous applause and laughter was had with big Jiz. Sorry about the fall Big Jiz, but those speed humps just 5 metres from the motel driveway can be dangerous to the uninitiated!
We were surprised however upon arrival as a strutting Stifler possibly out did the Afrikaaan on ridiculous swimming attire as he paraded like a rooster that resembled Red Foo around the car park.  A sight that cannot possibly be explained.

A reading of the Blog by Jules and a team dinner were had and an outside broadcast of the support crew video were displayed and we peacefully made our way to our rooms for some good rest.

Tomorrow sees us leaving Murray Bridge and travelling down to Victor Harbour, quite possibly via the scenic route, and we look forward to all making it there safely.

Good night till next time.

Maillot Jaune - Merro, for outstanding contribution and media awareness to the tour ride (Merro also holds the record for loudest snorting noise made on tour, only just surpassing an outstanding effort from the young boy at Raukkan school)

Muppet - Grant for the aforementioned.

Picture for Man Child Coldbeck attached:

Monday, 4 November 2013

Day 3 Robe to Meningie R4SK's Double century for all

Robe to Meningie..........190k's but we (namely Bade and the effervescent Jack, that had the most words of encouragement for Harry that you could fit in a single day) decided to add in another climb and 10 k's when we arrived at Meningie, to crack the double century!

Total Time 6 hrs 26 mins & 38 secs, after an added sprint as my Garmin had decided to only click over 199 km's!!

Total distance 200.3 kms (with a slight tailwind I believe)

Maximum Speed 54.7 kph

Total Gain 660 metres (Once again, Mr Lucas seemed to out climb a number of tour riders).

Total calories spent 4247 (the total number of calories consumed by Stifler with his Beef  Schnitzel).

Heart rate of the now almost less than 40% body fat Rider a massive output today of 165 max with an average by young Blads of 129bpm.......Thanks Blads!

Heart rate of Blads senior was unable to register on the Garmin as it was under the resting heart rate of a Blue Whale!

Average Speed 31.1 kph (weather was perfect for a point to point ride with a light South Westerly for most of the day, and great day to hide in the front six as if you are doing the hard yards!!.........Although special mention must go to Fabio 'The most beautiful man on a Bicycle' as he did ride the entire distance in the front six, much the same as Jiz and Sturmy from last year, well done Fabio!! Not sure if his smile was from this, or the Botox stolen from the back of Stacey's vehicle, as for three solid days, the only expression on the beautiful mans face has been the grin of a Cheshire cat! Lol

Robe to Meningie - How the day rolled

We woke to the splendid view from the Lakeside penthouse apartments, and busily helped the Golden Fleece prepare himself for a solid day in the saddle. (well everyone except the Afrikaaan, who was not being the ultimate wingman, and had left the golden fleece's side to warm up the stilts attached to his body and pedals).  The disparaging expression upon Mavericks face, was a not a promising outlook for the Afrikaaans ambition of riding the Maillot Jaune into Murray Bridge.
Instead a ride in the truck with yellow draped Grant, would be the closet he would come this day.
Even wearing last years sponsors polo shirt to dinner, to match the promised jersey was not enough to clinch the title.

We rolled down to a breakfast at my now new Italian mothers café, Maria, as I had come accustomed calling her, and had a fantastic cooked breakfast that perked everyone up from the early morning rise.
A little bit of Nepotism with a plug for Caffe Belgiorno, 2 Victoria St, Robe, SA (08) 8768 2256, Thanks Nonna, Maria, Anna and Grant for keeping us well fuelled for the day, and reminding of my heritage once again. 

After a few quick photo ops and our pre ride briefing complete, we were off. 
With the wind at our tails., the road we had come in yesterday that felt downhill, now felt downhill in the opposite direction and good pace and smiles were beaming from the peloton, as the suns rays gently warmed the chilly air.

A leisurely ride towards Salt Creek for lunch, that would be at the 130 km mark, only sporadically interrupted every 15 kms for those of  the peloton who were suffering the same reaction to copious fluids as Blads does!!!!

As I learnt the nuances of life on the land, from resident Farmer 'Business Class' James, we ambled across the rolling meadows with sheer delight, as we put the dark thoughts of yesterdays ride well behind us. 
Kingston and the big ugly Afrikaaaaan, sorry lobster, had the peloton rolling in from the coastal scenic route, once Jono had decided that following the Navman and his personal human navigator, was a better proposition to follow, as he led us straight towards the ocean and a dead end road!
And the muppet goes to.............? Wear with pride Jono as we visit the first school tomorrow morning!!
This was followed by Glen and Chloe deciding that following an alternate bus on return from the morning coffee run seemed like a good idea!  Somehow mistaking the small frame of Knobbly Cotter as an eight year old school child on a school bus, and not only followed the school bus, but also referenced a muppet award to Robert Redford our actual bus driver, when he merely asked for confirmation on the whereabouts of the team truck that was obviously not behind his Bus.  The discovery of this mistake was only made upon the school bus stopping and picking a student up!
The awards are certainly tallying up for the support crew this year.

The pace allowed to spin out some creaks and groans from tired bodies and the Felt bike of the Afrikaaan, and we marched on to Salt Creek with ease. 
The team had once again put on a great spread to replenish the energy that none of us had actually spent.
Tex and the Man child (Now Doogie Howser), had informed me of the international relations minister, the Afrikaaaan, conversation with a passing motorist on a Harley.
The conversation went something like this, brief but to the point...........Imagine a giraffe dressed in Lycra hobbling its way across the carpark only to say to leathered up Bikie taking a break, "Real Men ride Bikes" to which the bikie responded after pulling down the facial protecting bandana, "Im a girl!!!" and proceeded to ride off.  The ministerial position of the Afrikaaan, has since been revoked, and the lanky giraffe made his way sheepishly back to his enclosure.

Only 60 k's to go and 59 toilet breaks, and we could put the longest if not the easiest day behind us, and look forward to some rest and a shorter day tomorrow with a dual ferry ride that Stifler had not signed up for!

I rode with the Sturmy on the final leg and the front six gave us a nice armchair ride home, with the Diesel and knobbly kneed Cotter sitting 7th & 8th, and Button and Simba (young Harry), sat in behind and a very merry peloton were racing home! The ultimate wingman award would have to go to the Button, as his words of encouragement and thoughtful question games, kept Simba occupied, like I Spy with my little eye does on a long road trip.  As we travelled along, both Sturmy and I could all but smile as Button kept this going to the end and a huge PB for Harry and co in finishing a double century.  The button himself has completed 3 double centuries, and Sturmy and myself were both proud that two of these we had completed with him.  It seems nice blokes and ladies are sometimes hard to find, but not in this peloton, it is full of them!

With the final push to the 200k mark and rolling into Meningie for a hot  shower and feed not far away, another huge day was soon to be behind us, and a better day of riding you will rarely have.

Dinner, and another Schnitz later, and a rather enlightening and amusing time was had, as we attempted to align support crew and riders names with life moments that no one knew.  From 30 names and answers to match, a poultry 6 was the eventual winner.  However we did learn that Doogie Howser was not the man Childs missed acting opportunity and that Tex has been a naughty boy, Business Class James would actually love to actually be Jamie Oliver, and that Big Jiz  pee's sitting down! I will reveal some other amusing anecdotes throughout our journey.

For now though, its time for bed and an early day with a sea voyage and school visit.

Maillot Jaune - Grant (Glenn) for outstanding contribution and logistical accomplishments over two Tours! Well deserved Glenn

Muppet - Jono for leading us to a dead end and the ocean with every conceivable navigation device available to man in the vehicle, on the longest ride of the Tour!

Tomorrow - Meningie to Murray Bridge 127 km and Team time trial!


Sunday, 3 November 2013

Day 2 R4SK SA - So many Muppets but only one winner

Naracoorte to Robe - following only head or crosswinds!

Total Time 4 hrs 01 mins & 12.0000892 recurring secs approx.

Total distance 108.3 kms (this was actually 114.7 kms, however my Garmin that was hooked to my body monitor decided to shut down as it obviously thought I was dead!)

Maximum Speed 40.00 kph (this was still into a crosswind with the bandicoot on the rivet and the smell of the white line too good an opportunity to resist 10 k's out of Robe!)

Total Gain 816 metres (downhill on the way to Robe?? think my Garmin likes hills as much as I do).

Total calories spent 2139 (lolly intake from the keeper of all things sweet Kristen Hardy, 2140 calories!) 

Heart rate of the slightly skinnier fatman maxed at 152 bpm, whilst he maintained a supreme athletic Heart rate for 3 & 1/4 hrs of the astonishing number of 72 BPM as I had possibly, and unknowingly flat lined!

Heart rate of Blads peaked at 101 bpm as he accelerated up and down the line faithfully checking his riders were hydrated and feeling well!!!  whilst I thought to myself, what a generous, thoughtful and all round good guy, my thought bubble was burst as before I could answer his question to me, the reply from this great man that I hold in such high esteem was ................. "Don't worry, I don't care how you feel!!!   :-(  Thanks Blads!!

Average Speed 26.9 kph (weather was not fine with a 22 knot crosswind buffeting the outside riders and the stars in the front six.  These guys did an outstanding job today and hats off to you all.  throughout the day the following took their turn for the team:

Crash Bandicoot (Bade)
Dipper (Bruce)
Fabio 'The most beautiful man on a bicycle" (Fabian)
Spike (The Afrikaaaaan Ian)
Maverick (Justine) Sorry Mav, that was a typo that it wouldn't let me undo.
Dazza (Darren the Muppet)
Diesel (Peter)
Man Child (Andrew)
If your name has been left off this list sorry, and we will rectify upon notification in writing the tour organiser.

Key: Riders with variants on names

Knobbly (Anthony Cotter)
James 'Business class' Irwin
Nails (cause she is hard as. Jules)
Mick Dundee (Geoff)
Baby face (Tony)
Lippy (Harry)
Merro (Merridy) or SSB, but im not sure what this acronym means, you will have to speak to Sturmy
Mr Lucas (Mr Lucas)
Ange 'Silhouette' Kane
Sturmy (Steve)
The Knight (Todd)
Stifler (Cotter)
Blads (Nugget, or Chris)
Buttons (Jack)
Elbows (Jami)

Support Crew:

Racey Stacey (Paramedic)
Big Jiz (Jace the mechanic)
Chloe (The organiser)
Anna Fear (Anthea the masseuse) Sturmy inadvertently named Anthea with his incorrect elocution of her name!
Pei - yi Giam (Masseuse)
Jono the bread face boy (Lead driver)
Robert Bruce (Mav's Dad and Bus driver)
Grant (Glenn, meticulous truck driver and militant guard)
Kristen Hardy (RMHC and too nice to give a name to other than her own)
Amanda Zimmerframe (Plan Ahead events)

Hope that makes it easier, and special thanks to Knobbly knees and Dipper for their help with me remembering everyone.

When I looked out the window at 6.50am, all thought of the miserable weather and winds were removed as not a single blue gum leaf on the surrounding trees were in motion.  A sigh of relief was heard from knobbly as I relayed this glorious information to him, and we lied back in our respective beds imagining the scenic coastal entry to our next destination.

Well to the day, and after an quiet breakfast and Latte's downed, we were ready to roll out of Naracoorte and off on our short relaxing leg to Robe!

Another short briefing and application of actual sunscreen, and the wind had decided it would like to test any sore legs from day one as it quickly became evident, this was not going to be a leisurely ride for anyone!

We were to have a short stop outside the Mayor's house Erika Vickery around 10 k's out of town.  As we set off and said goodbye to Bryce and his son along with Jane Scotcher the house manager that was taking a far more sedate method on her home journey.  I lamented the Mayor for a moment, as to why she couldn't of built her farm and house a little closer to Naracoorte, as the now fierce South Westerly was in fine form.  The 10 k stop and quick photo shoot with the lovely Mayor and her Husband, was a good chance for us to catch our breath and prepare ourselves to what was going to be an arduous day in the saddle, albeit a short ride.

This proved to be true, and with a buffeting coming from our left, drill sergeant Blads stepped into action.  As his glistening new S-Works Venge (Disclaimer: This is a paid advertorial by Bike Society and all subsidiaries of the Bike society registered Trademark) and shiny new S-Works road shoes and the now endowed Venge with a Garmin computer,( that incidentally, Blads would never use?) started marshalling his troops into an order that would protect the those on the inside.  After taking careful consideration of his methodology in this formation, it became abundantly clear, all he was doing was actually putting the Fat boys on the Outside!!

We soldiered on through the wind, with Big Jiz, doing many more pass by's with the GoPro, and a huge set of white gnashers smiling back at us, as the mechanics van was now a much better proposition than being on the road.

The Muppet ears were of little distraction as the annoying jingle bells had been removed, and now they were performing as a very accurate weather vane for sergeant Blads and the peleton to determine the origin of the now, what seemed to be a gale force cross wind.  So windy was it that as the Support crew attempted to set up the mid morning break spot, Farmer Joe, (Just outside of Lucindale), took pity on the struggling crew, and not only did he offer his farm driveway to the support crew to set up in, he then jumped in his car and took off, only to return with a Donation to the Ride!! :-) Thank you Farmer Joe, and it still ceases to amaze me, the generosity of the people that live in this country, and just how much that gesture meant to the entire crew and riders cannot be expressed justly in words.
Thank you once again, we really need that support and protection from the now very cold and windy conditions.
During the break, I had discovered that Chloe could no longer talk to me without bursting into fits of laughter, and after my bruised ego had recovered, the origin of her dilemma had become apparent.
No longer had my attire become bearable to Chloe's eyes, as the combination of CB's choice of white socks and my S-Works Black cycling shoes had made me appear to look like a badly dressed school boy, and a day and half of seeing this had put Chloe over the edge! Not wanting to distract Chloe from her duties any longer or appear like the other schoolboys on tour (Harry, Tony and Man child Coldbeck), I dutifully changed into a more fashionably acceptable pair of road shoes.
With the back of the truck open, chaos ensued and Grant's worse nightmare was upon him.  Grant had previously been so proud of his truck organisation and packing skills, that he had in fact been photographed photographing his own exceptional work, and now there was a bunch of marauding magpies at the back of truck not only wanting to embark the truck but also wishing to disturb the carefully ordered bags for later distribution to hotel rooms!!!!!! The debacle continued until all had their warm cycling gear out.  This included Elbows attempting to wear his leg warmers on his arms and Tex (I dont like Dazza for Darren), working on his suntan, by only extruding a singular arm warmer!!! In this confusion, poor old Tex managed to mount his steed and roll to front six only to discover that a bandana, as beautiful as they can make a man suffering from mild alopecia look, is not the Australian approved standard for head protection whilst cycling!! As he rolled back, head lowered in shame to collect the approved protection, with the full knowledge that it was going to take a monumental faux pas to prevent him from wearing the coveted Muppet ears for the longest leg of the ride tomorrow!!!!

As we scoffed down what we could of the great spread once again, and Kristen, Anna fear and Pei all ensured we had plenty of high calorie sugars on board, we rolled out knowing it wasn't going to be any easier as we made a way closer to the coastal town of Robe.

With everyone a little tired of continuous buffeting and another 30 k's to go, a joyous voice echoed over the peloton as we finally had some protection from the wind and the pace crept up and smiles were seen for the first time today.
Everythng was looking good until as mentioned above the bandicoot and co decided to sprint from the 10k mark into Robe and quickly looked to disintegrate the well formed pack.  Some confusion led as 3 k's past the 5k to Robe sign the next sign was adamant that we had six k's still to go!!!!! heads were down, and the last stretch we were all looking for the end and a nice lunch at the Café Bel Giorno in Robe.
Anna at the Café was great, and a great feast was put on for the troops and we then departed for our respective hotels spread vicariously across Robe.  After hearing the news that for the first night I would be away from a Cotter, I was then informed that a switch would be made for young Lippy to be close to Stacey the Paramedic would be for the best, and I was back rooming with Knobbly Cotter once again.  This did however create some confusion for Chloe and Co, with bags and computers having now been sent to different corners of the town and requiring being back with their rightful owners before any undesirables could get to my unlocked bag!!  Of course this did not happen soon enough and the hapless brothers across town had indeed violated Mr Lucas's bag and begun to send photos of my protein shaker in places that it was not intended!! photo will be displayed for Sam Sturm to ensure the correct perpetrator of these crimes is indeed found.  Mr Lucas was only mildly amused.
After a relax back in the glorious Lakeside apartments, of which Maverick, Tex and Grant have the Penthouse apartment with Spa and Spike has his own Spa (also photo to be attached later), and a massage from Anna Fear and it was off to tea for Nonna's home cooked Lasagne.
I will just add that all round nice guy Mav, had completed all the Lakeside apartment guests laundry, from his penthouse suite. This guy continues to exceed my expectations and has quickly been elevated to not only Maverick status from Slider, but also the worthy recipient of the Maillot Jaune.
Not only for his work on and off the bike, but for being a damn good bloke! Well done and well deserved, although there was a little heckling and a protest by the somewhat disgruntled Afrikaaaan, who now is only willing to participate in the Tour next year if the whole kit is yellow, to ensure he actually receives one!
We bid farewell to Angela and her husband Danny who must have thought that one cyclist needed a new car, as they head back to Mt Gambier.  Thank you for all your efforts in Mount Gambier with the ride and media etc, and we hope you have enjoyed participating in this wonderful event with a bunch of people that in two days have become friends!

Big Day tomorrow with 190 kms, but hopefully a nice tailwind to ease the pain.

Maillot Jaune : Maverick

Muppet : Tex (Darren Walker)

dishonourable mentions
Chloe & Stacey for leading us back to the hotel at 55 kph and finding the only hills in Robe for us as we made our way back to the hotel!!
Chloe for dropping the keys to the hotel room so far down the front of the truck console that a pair of kitchen tongs from Anna at café Bel Giorno had to be used to retrieve them.
Grant for taking a photo of his own good work and basking in excessive adulation.
Baby face for managing to get two Gumby's (Chain grease marks) on each leg.
the list could go on.

Riders on Mr Lucas's radar for flying under the it thus far -
Business Class Branson
Mr Buttons
Mick Dundee
Stay tuned for more stories to come on all.

Good night everyone, and to all the families of riders and support crew that allow them to participate in this ride, thank you, as I am sure as I am are all missing their loved ones.

Tom my Wife Katherine and Kids Jackson, Tayla and Spencer, look after each other and I will see you all on Friday. Love Dad (Mr Lucas) xoxox

Day 1 R4SK's And the first day is completed!

Nov 2nd Mt Gambier - Naracoorte (apparently it is only 75k's? what's going on CB!

Note: CB is a reference to an individual who spends as much time crashing as they do riding their bike..........hence the name Crash Bandicoot or CB for short is duly held by our fearless albeit unsteady leader Bade.

Today would have 0 catergorised climbs as the ride was referred to as pancake flat.  My Garmin has lodged a protest and attests to a 711 metre gain!  There were a number of other Garmins that differ from this, however they must be older models and lacking in computing the correct information,

Total Time 5 hrs 03 mins & 17.62 secs approx.

Total distance 153.6 kms (nice start!)

Maximum Speed 56.2 kph (again recorded by the only accurate device on the road..........being my Garmin.  Sturmy only achieved a mere 41.2 kph as he sat in the armchair in position 7 in the peleton!)

Total Gain 711 metres (pancake flat I think not!)

Total calories spent 3279 

Heart rate of the fatman maxed at 182 bpm

Heart rate of the most beautiful man on a bicycle Fabian maxed at 114!!!

Average Speed 30.4 kph (weather was fine with a slight crosswind buffeting the outside riders and the sun working its magic on those that had mistakenly applied sorbelene as sunscreen!)

What a cracking start to the tour, with nervous tension and testosterone ready to smash out the cobwebs and looking forward to closing out the first day.
The arm warmers were happily stored back in our bags and packed diligently away by Glenn (Grant), our faithful man servant.
After a freshly cooked breakfast had been devoured in the very salubrious setting of the Mt Gambier Commordore on the Park (who I now know, is not a member of the yacht club and friend of Bernie's as I had previously thought in conversation with Bernie.  We were almost ready for our first briefing from Mr Safety.
For some strange reason, Stifler and Jules had decided it would be a good idea this week to not only ride 1000 km's, but also run 150 km's, by running half a marathon each morning!!!
Unfortunately for the Machine (Stifler), a few ciders and some red wine, are not he perfect pre run supplement as he had envisaged from the previous night, and so only completed a 17 km run, and now has an additional 4 k's to make up! good on ya! Added to this, Stifler had decided to set his alarm with due diligence, to enable the aforementioned activity and time for brekky.  Unfortunately for me, Stifler had already conveniently vacated the premises prior to the alarm going off and left the device in the room!!!!!! Thanks mate, after 10 minutes of some very fancy archipelago music had not ceased, I had no choice but get up and turn it off, only then did I discover what ridiculous time in the morning it actually was!

We excitedly gathered and prepared ourselves for what was going to be a reasonably tough day in the saddle and pushed off without incident to the top of the Blue lake, which only 2 km's in, led me to believe, that CB's terminology of flat as a pancake, required some tweaking!

After a 3hr photo shoot at the top of the lake, we were now truly on our way.   Onwards to the little town of Naracoorte and home of some great McFlurries. (Thanks Bryce and Liz and the team at Naracoorte Maccas)

A nice gentle pace was rolled along for the first section of the day as we made the grand distance of 18 km's before Blads and the other early morning coffee drinkers needed to alleviate some pressure and we were stopping for the first nature break.
Then onto morning break with much banter going on around the peleton as fresh legs were feeling good.  I myself had taken on the much sought after position of wingman to our resident pilot Maverick (Justin Bruce), and was doing my best to protect Mav from the elements.
Maverick is the perfect gentleman and an all round nice guy, and the quintessential image of a commercial pilot! Sorry ladies but this catch is taken!
The stop gave the opportunity for a quick food replenishment and the chance for the ladies to go to the very private ablutions block. The gender debate raged on as CB also made his way to the female loo???

We are now just a short way from the lunch stop, at picturesque Penola, which will be the halfway mark for the first day.
A short trip up the Dukes highway, and with one in one out on the road, I managed to hit and lead Jules (now called Nails, because is she is tough as them and Stifler!) over every conceivable cat eye on the verge, and can assure you that the Venge may be built for speed, but certainly not for comfort!

Penola, and the support Crew of Grant, Chloe, Big Jiz (Jace the mechanic), Anthea, Pei (pronounced pay), Kristen, Stacey and Jono had spared no expense to lay on another great lunch feed for all the riders.  Thanks guys & girls, the riders truly appreciate every effort you go to, that makes the ride that much easier.
For some reason, Penola became the start of multiple muppet award nominations.  We had now discovered the Sorbelene fiasco, support crew and riders riding without helmets and riders either forgetting their bottles or like Robert DiPierdomenico or Dipper (Bruce), just threw his out through the Peleton.
There continued to be more candidates for what was now a more sought after award that the Maillot jaune or so it would seem.  (although the Big Afrikaaaaan had certainly made his attempt at securing the Maillot jaune, as he was caught in the act of warming the seat of the throne for his new bestie, the incumbent Diesel.
Penola to Naracoorte saw some less than pancake flat roads undulate along as we made good pace to our first nights rest.  Whilst the sun was working on cooking those that had applied the sorborlene, a few chinks in the armour were starting to show, and the day was starting to takes its toll on some of us that that had not made our Garmins read three digits for nearly a year in a single ride (Thanks Jiz 1). 
I was having some difficulty following the rider in front of me, as he continued to signal left turns along the route, and then turned in the opposite direction or not at all.  Jami with the protruding busted elbow from only two months ago, will now be aptly named elbows.

It is now bedtime for me, so I will complete the nights blog when we arrive in Robe tomorrow.

We have made Robe, so I will attempt to complete yesterday's blog from memory, so there may be some inaccuracies or embellishments as we continue.

An uneventful off the main road detour to Coomandook, before the last 30 km's down into Naracoorte.  The pace had been good all day, and baby face Tony (our other child rider along with the very coy Harry), and although his bike had only been purchased at the launch of this years ride and had found himself in a dark lonely place for a short spell, the always smiling Tony had passed his PB, along with Knobbly Knee Cotter and Harry.  Great job Guys!
A momentary change of name for the ride as we encroached over the border and appeared never to return back to SA, and we were descending down into Naracoorte and the much anticipated Golden Arches rose like a beacon to the delight of Blads and a few other weary riders as the McFlurries were consumed. Thanks Bryce & Liz, once again, and for the morning Brekky supplied and the community function organised with Linda, Harry's mum.

A short trip to our sleeping quarters and after some confusion of who was sleeping where, Spike, who appears to have done some modelling for a beach wear company, as he has only packed some young surfers boardies and his surfboard on his feet as his thongs looked remarkably like the doors off the motel!
With his swimming attire in place and the most beautiful man on a bicycle 'Fabio', in tow, of they headed for the swimming pool that was absent from the motel.  According to Fabio, the most beautiful man on a bicycle, upon finding the local swimming hole also reluctant to hold any water, off they headed to the local creek.  With absolutely no thought, the Afrikaan preceded to jump in to what appeared to be nothing more than a stagnant swamp.  Fabio, although appalled by his lack of responsibility for personal safety, but also not wanting to let the big maaaaan down decided to jump in too, for a refreshing dip in what could have possibly been the effluent plant of Naracoorte.
Upon returning and smelling no different from when they left, we had a few quick massages a few quick drinks, (Geoff and managed to acquire some very modest priced Coppers pale and threw a few back with his old employee Stifler).
On the bus and off to the Community event, for a group that now looked somewhat like the cast of the Michael Jackson video Thriller!
Billy Macks, had laid on a great feed and hosted by Linda, Bryce and Liz, and Erika Vickery the Mayor of Lucindale Council, and organised by Amanda Zimmerframe,  a great night and first schnitzel was consumed.   This was to be the last community function that our Mt gambier riders would attend, but the herculean Dipper will be staying on to Murray Bridge and Angela Kane, that I would wingman for tomorrow (sorry Mav), along with her 'Car back' Hubby Danny would be leaving us tomorrow night.

Back on the Bus and back home for a night with another Cotter and ready for a nice gentle start to tomorrow at 8.45am briefing.

Good night, and well done to all.

Maillot jaune - Stacey the Paramedic

Dual Muppet award - James who only travels business class and a fall from grace for our first day yellow jersey recipient Diesel, as they wrongly accused Chloe of not putting their bags in their room, when in fact they had decide to go to the wrong room instead!

Saturday, 2 November 2013

The Beginning of another adventure!

2014 The New Tour Begins!!!!

Mt Gambier to Adelaide (Not the short way!)

As we all eagerly anticipate the quiet rolling and clinking of old and new bling, and checking to see who has been in the best paddock from the last year and eaten well, (apparently I may have taken this title already!) we made our way back to our respective rooms to have nice early night.

I however had won the much anticipated room draw, and found myself rooming with the infamous Stifler, and another bike to the stable!!
Stifler was enjoying a nice quiet red with Jace and Jules watching some rather educational English TV (Snog, Marry, Avoid).  As I said a nice quiet night! :-)

We have much to talk about already from a short flight from Adelaide to the scenic hamlet of Mt Gambier, that sits on the border from our Victorian neighbours.  It doesn't take long to gather a catalogue of humorous stories that we will attempt to relay as we travel along another Epic journey with some old friends and some new comrades. 

We will again have some variants on names for those of you following your loved ones, and I will make best efforts to have some continuity to the group and names, and give some insight to the pain, suffering, humility and laughter that the riders and support crew have along the way, and shed some light on the reasons why 20 odd strangers would dream of sitting on the thinnest seat they could collectively find and push their own weight from Mt Gambier to Adelaide, when there is perfectly adequate transport available that would have both been quicker and far more comfortable?
The answer still eludes many of us, however we still gather with grand thoughts of achieving goals in both an arduous task and the ability to raise much needed funds for the Ronald McDonald House Adelaide chapter.

So the story begins.....................

Maillot Jaune awarded to Peter Wolters (Diesel the Brut) for outstanding contribution to new and old riders and Stiflers Bank account! (Another bike broken every day Diesel, means another one to buy! always a bright side).

Muppet award awarded to Geoff (Mick Dundee), for a misdemeanour at Adelaide airport.  It seems that even whilst participating in a charitable ride, carrying dangerous weapons on an airline is still not acceptable.  After having his bag stopped at the X-ray, and nonchalantly explaining that a cyclists multi tool only carry's allen keys, both security and Mick were equally surprised as the harmless set of 'allen keys' was quickly discovered to be hiding nothing less than what could be described as  a machete, at which point our resident Mick Dundee proceeded to be heard exclaiming to the then armed security "That's not a Knife!".............Muppet was awarded after some deliberation after the stewards had gathered to judge the South Afrikaaaans monumental absent mindedness by deciding to bring his mobile charger for a phone that he decided not to bring along! The big Afrikaaaan has started early, and with his fervent desire to win anything and a body that is likely to yield some poor results this tour, will push even his own daughter over to win something, he is one to watch for running away with the Muppet award by the end of the week, for sure! Please if you are feeling that you would like to pass on your best wishes to Spike the big Afrikaaaaan, just leave a nice long detailed message on his phone!

Saturday's ride

Mt Gambier - Naracoorte 150k's with a light South Easterly and a chilly 9c Brrrrrrrrrrrr (Were close to Vic!)

I will list the riders and referring names after tomorrows ride.

For now, its time to snuggle down with my roomy and get some rest.

It gets exciting now........................